News from Lista Bird Observatory
Here are the latest news from Lista Bird Observatory
What elements affect the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker migration? (02.05.2016)
Last Friday a study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Ornis Norvegica. The article presents the results from a study of 136 Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers ringed at Lista Bird Observatory during the last 26 years.
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Around 155 dead Puffins collected on the beaches at Lista. (12.04.2016)
The dead Puffins were processed at Lista Nature Museum. The main target now is to know where they come from and what is the cause of death.The analysis is conducted by NINA and Veterinary Institute.
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Population monitoring at Jomfruland and Lista Bird Observatories in 2015 (14.03.2016)
In 2015 the ringing numbers for common species was lower than normal, especially in autumn at Lista. This is due to the poor breeding season, as the spring was dominated by high rainfall and low temperatures in May and June. The annual ringing results were, however, somehow compensated by a record incidence of Goldcrest.
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Not all geolocators might have a negative effect on survival (25.02.2016)
On February 1st a new study was published on Journal of Avian Biology. The title of the article is “An experimental evaluation of the effects of geolocator design and attachment method on between-year survival on Whinchats Saxicola rubetra”. This article shows that not all geolocators might have a negative effect on Whinchat's survival, but that different materials and techniques might affect significantly the biology of small migratory birds.
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A Goldcrest from Stora Fjäderägg! (22.02.2016)
More than 1000 km in 19 days. Two interesting recoveries after very many Goldcrests ringed in autumn.
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Training and volunteering at LIBO (03.02.2016)
Training and volunteer: you have the opportunity to contribute to a major initiative to run all the activities at Lista Bird Observatory. You will have the chance to be out in the field, see lots of birds and get experience with undertaking wildlife surveys. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow birdwatchers from differents countries.
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Tilbakegang i hekkebestander av vadefugler (02.02.2016)
I dag, 2. februar, er det Verdens Våtmarksdag - en mulighet til å markere viktigheten av våtmarkene i Slevdalsvann naturreservat, som ligger i et strategisk viktig fugleområde som mange av de norske trekkfuglene passerer gjennom under trekket vår og høst. Fuglene kan hvile før og etter de har krysset Nordsjøen, og hvor de kan finne både mat, beskyttelse og egnede hekkehabitat.
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Different subspecies had different strategies for male Wheatears to arrive breeding grounds before the females. (18.11.2015)
On September 29 a new article about migration in Wheaters was published in the prestigious scientific journal, Behavioral Ecology, from Oxford University. The article studied the migration of Wheaters from different subspecies. We have had the pleasure to contribute to it with our ringing data from 511 wheatears ringed at Lista Bird Observatory during 24 years.
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