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What have done at the station this year?
The report can be downloaded in English. See the link below.
By Aïda Lopez
During the year we have not only run the standardized ringing but we have worked with other tasks that also are important for the station. We have completed the logs for 2017, run the standardized ringing and seabird counts every morning, kept up-to-date facebook page and LiFu website, offer accommodation to birdwatchers and volunteers, offered tours to schools and families, trained volunteers and ringers, collaborated in a scientific study, published the 2016 annual report and many other things.
To read the complete REPORT in English, CLICK HERE: Activity report Lista Bird Observatory 2017.
The results from the standardized ringing, together with the migration counts of resting and migratory birds at the station, will be published in 2018.
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log