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Daily migration counts. The greylag geese have started moving, and the wader migration have started.
A good start of autumn campaign 2013

Young starling changing its body feathers
Young starling changing its body feathers
On the flanks, the post-juvenile black feathers with white tips have started replacing the juvenile, brown feathers.

Young whinchat.
Young whinchat.
How will the whinchat do this year? The long-term trend is negative, but it looks like this year might have produced a good number of young ones.

Thomas foran utekontoret på haugen.
Thomas foran utekontoret på haugen.
Thomas snakker natur og fugl med besøkende, gir demonstrasjoner på ringmerking, og tar imot skoleklasser.

Mist netting whinchat (the marsh)
Mist netting whinchat (the marsh)
The histogram shows number of ringed birds by the 24th of July for every year.

The 24th autumn season started at Lista Bird Observatory a little over a week ago. The ringing campaign has started well, with sunny days, warm and calm weather, and many young birds around. By the 23rd of July we have ringed 421 birds og 32 species.

By M. Wold

Most willow warblers have been ringed so far, with the majority belonging to this year's young generation (87 individuals in total), followed by local house sparrows (58) and starlings (38).

Most of the birds ringed in the autumn are young birds, and part of the job the ringers do is to determine how far every bird has come in the process of changing from juvenile to post-juvenile body feathers. This is a measure (for most birds) of how old it is, i.e. how long since it fledged. We use this as an indication of whether the bird is local, since the youngest birds will not have managed to fly very far yet.

The picture on the right-hand side shows a young starling. The starling's juvenile plumage is light brown, while the post-juvenile plumage consists of the characteristic black feathers with white tips. The bird in the picture has started the moulting process, and the first set of black feathers can be seen growing on the flanks. As the autumn progresses, more and more of the black post-juvenile feathers will replace the brown juvenile ones.

In comparison with the last 10-15 years, we have ringed an unusual high number of whinchats, in total 15 individuals. By 23rd of July in previous years the number has been typically 2-5 after the first week of the campaign. Looking at the ringing numbers from the marsh, this autumn might have produced a good number of whinchats. Whinchat is one of the species with a significant, negative long-term trend in the standardized ringing campaigns at Lista, and the same trend is seen at Jomfruland Bird Observatory. It is possible that the whinchat has succeeded especially good this year, or that the young ones are early this year compared to previous years. It remains to be seen what the total number will end up at, and we follow this species as the autumn progresses.

During these pleasant, warm summer days the lighthouse area is filled with activity. Many birders are around to observe the first migrating waders, and the first flocks of grelag geese on their way south. This year we also have nine house martin nests around the lighthouse, and the air is buzzing with young swallows honing their flying skills.

This autumn we have a new ringer from Catalonia with us, Albert Burgas from Montgri. Together with Aïda Lopez he will be doing the ringing campaign and bird census this season. Nature and bird guide Thomas Bentsen is also on the hill every morning, to arrange ringing demonstrations for visitors, and to talk bird and nature with everyone interested visiting the lighthouse area.

Ringing numbers
This season527
Top 3 today:
White Wagtail1
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Crested Tit1-93%
Snow Bunting2-93%
Northern Fulmar49-93%
Lapland Longspur3-90%
Common Murre1609+1200%
Pink-footed Goose166+1129%
Red-backed Shrike124+822%
Common Crane253+733%
European Goldfinch711+712%
View deviation of seasons

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  Begynnerkurs i ringmerking: 17.-18. august
  The annual report for 2023 is available!
  Fuglefestival 2.-3. september
  Report from spring 2023
  Ny rapport: Måling av elektromagnetiske feltstyrke fra fugleradar ved Lista fyr.

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Fyrveien 6
NO-4563 Borhaug Tlf: 949 86 793