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Bird monitoring at Lista- and Jomfruland B.O. 2014

Lista and Jomfruland Bird Observatory is out with a new report. The annual report "Population monitoring at Jomfruland- and Lista Bird Observatory in 2014 " presents long-term trends from standardised mist-netting for 54 bird species in the whole 25 - year period from 1990-2014. Furthermore, long-term trends from the systematic census of migratory and resting birds that occurs at bird observatories is presented. The report in Norwegian can be downloaded.

By Aïda López

A good year in 2014
The year 2014 was above average and a good year at both bird obseravtories, especially in the Autumn manybirds were caught much in the standardized mistnetting campaign. The summer of 2014 was very hot and dry, and this gave probably good conditions for breeding and juvenile production in a number of passerine bird species. Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Blue tit excelled with particularly good figures in autumn 2014. The autumn of 2014 will probably also be remembered for a record number of Jays at Lista Bird Observatory.

Long term trends
The long term trends in bird observatories show many of the same patterns that are known from other long-term monitoring programs in Norway and Northern Europe in general (see eg. ArtDatabanken 2015 Kålås et al. 2014, Lehikoinen et al. 2014, Pedersen 2011). Several species of ducks, as Mute Swan, Greylag and Pink-Footed geese, are increasing, in addition to birds of prey like White Tailed Eagles, Osprey and Peregrine falcon. Among passerines species that migrates to European grounds and to tropical Africa are doing quite well, like several of our non-migrational and irruptive bird species.

There are though several species wintering in Europe, as well as some tropical migrants which are having trouble. Examples of species in decline is Oystercatchers, Black-headed Gulls, Skylark, Dunnock, Goldcrest, Carrion crow and Twite. These are species where negative population trends also are known from other studies.

Migrants arriving earlier
For the first time we have also looked at long-term trends in arrival times for a small selection of Passerines. All four investigated species are now arriving earlier than they did 25 years ago, which particularly applies to the Blackcap and Chiffchaff. Variations in arrival times for Passerines is something we want to investigate further in the coming years.

Read the Report (Norwegian only):Bestandsovervåking ved Jomfruland- og Lista fuglestasjoner i 2014.

ArtDatabanken 2015. Rödlistade species in Sweden 2015. ArtDatabanken SLU, Uppsala.
Kålås, J.A., Huby, M., Nilsen, E. B. & Vang, R. 2014. Population Variations for terrestrial birds in Norway from 1996 to 2013. NOF Report 4-2014. 36 s.

Lehikoinen, A., Green, M., Huby, M., Kålås, JA & Lindström, Å. 2014. Common montane birds are declining on northern Europe. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 3-14.

Pedersen, C. 2011. 3Q: The monitoring of birds in agricultural landscapes - results and trends. Our Bird Fauna 34, 66-71 ..

Ringing numbers
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Crested Tit1-94%
Snow Bunting2-93%
Lapland Longspur3-90%
Lesser redpoll86-85%
Common Murre1720+1153%
Pink-footed Goose166+1111%
Icterine Warbler61+842%
Red-backed Shrike179+786%
View deviation of seasons

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