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Surf Scoter
Surf Scoter
Photo: Jan Erik Røer
REPORT October 2015

Gyr Falcon
Gyr Falcon
Photo: Lars Smith

Common Stonechat
Common Stonechat
Photo: Simon Davies

Figure 1
Figure 1
Weather statistics for October 2015, Lista Lighthouse

A total of 1306 birds were ringed during October on the standardized protocol (626 birds less than in 2014). In broad terms the month has been on temperature average and much drier than average, in contrast with September which was much wetter than normal. Compared to all months in 2015 which have resulted in very low numbers on the standardized trapping, October has been one of the best months but still 19.7% below average.

By Aïda López

Regarding the weather, the average temperature has been 9.8 °C (normal average for October is 9.4°C). Total precipitation was 27.3 mm (normal average for October is 151 mm). There have been some days with very hard winds, reaching the highest wind speed with 19.7 m/s (22 Oct), average wind being 6.8 m/s.

Although the temperature for all months so far this year has been slightly warmer than normal (see black and red lines on the graphic), most of the months have been much wetter (see blue bars). September 2015 almost reached double precipitation compared to average. However, October has become the driest month of the year which must have affected on the number of birds seen and ringed during this month at Lista Bird Observatory.

A total of 1306 birds have been ringed in October from 37 different species, 2 more species and 626 less birds than in October 2014. Although in October 2015 the ringing numbers were 19.7% below average, the ringing numbers from that period (from 15th November until 31st October) are alarmingly low recording a 41.8% decline compared to the average.

A total of 1306 birds of 37 different species were ringed during October in the standardized ringing (626 birds fewer than in October 2014). There are two more species than in October last year. Overall it marked 2,499 birds since ring marking started in autumn (July 15th to 31st October).

Some of the noteworthy species in the nets have been Short-eared Owl, Tengmalm’s Owl, Black Woodpecker, Yellow-browed Warbler, Great Grey Shrike and Common Stonechat, the last one being the first one ringed during the autumn standardized ringing at Lista Bird Observatory (two individuals have been caught in Spring during previous years). The three most abundant species ringed in October have been Blue Tit (452), Goldcrest (446) and Winter Wren (73).

The ringing numbers for most species are still lower than average, especially obvious in tits, finches, pipits, wagtails, warblers, thrushes, sparrows and buntings. On the other hand, the Winter Wren has shown an obvious increase since 2011 and has been ringed in high numbers during October 2015. In addition, the Goldcrest has had the highest ringing record in October since 1990, and shown a strong increase since 2009. The Linnet, the same as the Goldcrest, is one of the few species that keeps above average numbers.

The Twite is almost disappeared at Lista since 2008, with none ringed birds some of the last years. This autumn 3 Twites have been ringed, 2 of them in October. Something similar happens with the Bullfinch: 5 individuals have been ringed in October, the highest number since 2010.

A total of 10 Tengmalm’s Owl have been ringed in October, a lower number than expected, considering that 29 were ringed in September.

Regarding the observations, a total of 157 species have been seen in October which is a rather low record (172 in Oct’14/165 in Oct’13/163 in Oct’12). However, there have been seen 8 new species increasing the annual log to 233 species.

Siskin and Brambling have been seen in high numbers during this month, while Chaffinch, Common Starling and Fieldfare have appeared in rather low numbers. The Black Woodpecker has been seen in the highest numbers ever at Lista.

Some marine species have appeared in higher numbers than recent years including Mute Swan, Eurasian Wigeon, Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter, Red-throated Diver, Razorbill and Kittiwake.

The remarkable species for October have been Yellow-broad Warbler, Three-toed Woodpecker, Common Stonechat, Great Egret, Wood Lark, Surf Scouter, Penduline Tit, Palla’s’ Leaf Warbler, Tundra Swan, Leach’s Storm Petrel and Grey Headed Woodpecker.

Ringing numbers
Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Crested Tit1-94%
Snow Bunting2-93%
Lapland Longspur3-90%
Lesser redpoll86-85%
Common Murre1720+1153%
Pink-footed Goose166+1111%
Icterine Warbler61+842%
Red-backed Shrike179+786%
View deviation of seasons

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