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News from Lista Bird Observatory

Here are the latest news from Lista Bird Observatory

Sjøfugltrekk for alle (23.03.2013)
Palmesøndag blir det førpremiere på sjøfuglbua i forbindelse med åpningen av ny turistinformasjon på fyrområdet.
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The new sea watching hide on the local news (21.03.2013)
We recently had a visit from "NRK Sørlandet", the regional news broadcasting company. Below is the link to the video.
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Sea watching hide - at the entry of important migration flyway (03.03.2013)
The new sea watching hide at Lista lies at the entry to Norway's most important migration flyway for seabirds. The sea watching hide is built to make the fascinating natural phenomenon of bird migration accessible to everyone.
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Fokus på sjøfuglbua (11.02.2013)
Fuglestasjonen har hatt besøk fra distriktssenteret i forbindelse med prosjektet "Sørnorsk kystnatur".
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Population monitoring at Jomfruland- og Lista Bird Observatories 2011 (15.01.2013)
Lista- and Jomfruland Bird Observatories report annually on the monitoring programme for approximately 200 species to the Directorate for Nature Management. This is the second report published. It covers the year 2011, but also gives an update on notable population trends over the 20-30 year long monitoring period.
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Mist netting and migration counts, trends from autumn 2012. (19.12.2012)
Mist netting and migration counts, trends from autumn 2012.
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Want to volunteer at the bird observatory? (19.12.2012)
We are looking for volunteers to help with daily migration counts during spring 2013. Knowledge of species determination in the field is required, and your observations will be used in the daily log.
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Blue tit flew from Lista to Shetland (30.10.2012)
Words had spread that a blue tit ringed in Norway was recaptured in Shetland on the 17th of October this year. Ringers at Lista Bird Observatory wondered if it was ringed here, which proved to be the case. The bird got ringed by Richard Cope on the 5th of October.
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Ringing numbers
This season310
Top 3 today:
Willow Warbler3
Northern Wheatear3
Common Linnet2
Detailed log

Reportasje fra Lista FS
i Aftenposten

Seasonal deviation
Arctic Tern1-97%
European Golden Plover2-97%
Great Skua1-96%
Common House Martin4-96%
Sedge Warbler4-95%
Greylag Goose1507+762%
Rock Dove104+596%
European Shag374+565%
Mute Swan66+547%
European Goldfinch109+522%
View deviation of seasons

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Siste 5 på siden
  Begynnerkurs i ringmerking: 17.-18. august 2024
  The annual report for 2023 is available!
  Fuglefestival 2.-3. september 2023
  Report from spring 2023
  Ny rapport: Måling av elektromagnetiske feltstyrke fra fugleradar ved Lista fyr.

Nyheter fra NOF
Søk aktivitetstilskudd innen...
Seier for kystfuglene
Betydelig medlemsvekst i...
Indianerbekkasin i Pasvik –...
Unge fuglekikkere fra hele...
Tusenvis av hunder slippes...
Miljøminister Andreas...
Bjørn Olav Tveit er tildelt...

Lista Fuglestasjon
Fyrveien 6
NO-4563 Borhaug Tlf: 949 86 793