News from Lista Bird Observatory
Here are the latest news from Lista Bird Observatory
Fokus på sjøfuglbua (11.02.2013)
Fuglestasjonen har hatt besøk fra distriktssenteret i forbindelse med prosjektet "Sørnorsk kystnatur".
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Population monitoring at Jomfruland- og Lista Bird Observatories 2011 (15.01.2013)
Lista- and Jomfruland Bird Observatories report annually on the monitoring programme for approximately 200 species to the Directorate for Nature Management. This is the second report published. It covers the year 2011, but also gives an update on notable population trends over the 20-30 year long monitoring period.
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Mist netting and migration counts, trends from autumn 2012. (19.12.2012)
Mist netting and migration counts, trends from autumn 2012.
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Want to volunteer at the bird observatory? (19.12.2012)
We are looking for volunteers to help with daily migration counts during spring 2013. Knowledge of species determination in the field is required, and your observations will be used in the daily log.
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Blue tit flew from Lista to Shetland (30.10.2012)
Words had spread that a blue tit ringed in Norway was recaptured in Shetland on the 17th of October this year. Ringers at Lista Bird Observatory wondered if it was ringed here, which proved to be the case. The bird got ringed by Richard Cope on the 5th of October.
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Åpen dag ved Lista Fuglestasjon (04.10.2012)
Vi gjentar suksessen fra høsten 2011 og søndag 7. oktober kl 11 til 15 arrangerer vi åpen dag med natursti sammen med Norsk Ornitologisk Forening Lista Lokallag.
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American golden plover (Pluvialis dominica), new species for Lista Bird Observatory (23.09.2012)
After a long period of stong westerly winds and days with numerous showers, the weather finally calmed down on September 19.-20. With just a slight breeze and sunny weather, several birders had gathered around the lighthouse area on Saturday morning. Many different bird species were recorded, but not in big numbers. It looked like it was going to be just another average day, if it wasn't for two young plovers that came flying in and landed in Vågsvollvåien at 10:42.
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Spring 2012: a reunion with 8979876 and continued positive trend for chiffchaff and blackcap (02.07.2012)
A total of 1221 birds were ringed during spring season 2012, distributed over 50 different species. This is about 200 more birds compared to last spring. The number of retrapped birds amounts to 105, the majority originally ringed at Lista. We also had the joy of meeting again, for the second time, a male wheatear that was ringed at the observatory five years ago, and that now returns to Lista every spring to breed.
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Sorry, but we are outside of the spring and autum seasons.
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