News from Lista Bird Observatory
Here are the latest news from Lista Bird Observatory
What have done at the station this year? (20.11.2017)
During the year we have not only run the standardized ringing but we have worked with other tasks that also are important for the station. We have completed the logs for 2017, run the standardized ringing and seabird counts, offered accommodation to birdwatchers and volunteers, collaborated in a scientific study ...
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LISTA FUGLEFESTIVAL 2017 (05.09.2017)
Lista Fuglefestival 2017 var et samarbeid mellom NOF Lista Fuglestasjon og Besøkssenter våtmark Lista.
Til tross for et mer beskjedent opplegg enn andre år var det god oppslutning og stor entusiasme blant deltakerne under helgens festival!
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Tick project at Lista Bird Observatory (21.07.2017)
Last spring, Lista Bird Observatory examined 215 birds and collected 277 ticks from Blackbirds and Robins, and ticks from the area at Lista. This is part of a new study, conducted by Dr. Gunnar Hasle, who studies to what extent ticks and tick-borne pathogens are transported by birds over geographical barriers.
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Fuglefestival 2.-3.sep. PROGRAM (09.07.2017)
Vi feirer LISTA FUGLEFESTIVAL med fest og aktiviteter hele helgen!
Fredag kveld og lørdag er tilbudet tilpasset de mest fugleinteresserte med quiz, Lista Bird Race og middag med konkurranse, foredrag og pub. Søndag er dagen med spesielt familiefokus på Lista Fyr. Da blir...
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Report from spring 2017 (23.06.2017)
Lista Bird Observatory completed in 2017 its 28th consecutive year of spring ringing campaign. The station has been run for a total of 87 days from March 15 until June 10. 13 mist-nets have been currently used on the standardized (138 meters) and the results have been lower than normal years with 932 birds ringed (average for spring is 1028) of 41 different species. Lapwing and Common Snipe have had a strong decline over the last three years in the area.
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Population monitoring at Jomfruland and Lista Bird Observatories in 2016 (06.03.2017)
The annual report for 2016 from Lista and Jomfruland bird observatories is ready!
The results from the standardized bird ringing is presented, together with the main migration counts at the bird stations.
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Volunteering at Slevdalsvann nature reserve (03.03.2017)
The last two weeks there have been many hours volunteering in Slevdalsvann nature reserve. After we have received a permit from the environmental protection law for ringing in a limited area, 10-12 local volunteers have been working worked on arrangements in the area. This had to be done before the breeding season begins.
The results were great!
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What’s the best criteria to sex Great Grey Owls? (17.02.2017)
Last spring a study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Ornis Norvegica. The article presents the results from a study of 83 dead Great Grey Owls from western and northern Finland found during the period 1962-2004.
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This season | 1320 |
Today | 15 |
Top 3 today: |
| Common Blackbird | 7 |
Eurasian Siskin | 4 |
Common Stonechat | 1 |
Detailed log